このたび平成20年5月に東京都の認証を得て、6月に「特定非営利活動法人 女性呼 吸器疾患研究機構」を設立しました。
現在各地域で「性差に基づく医療」、すなわち「男女がそれぞれに抱える問題 と、それが健康に及ぼす影響を考慮して医療を行う」という活動が始まっていま す。この活動を通して行われる研究によって、性差が幅広い疾患の病態や病因にア プローチする手段として有力な武器となりうることを示しています。しかしながら このような活動はとくに呼吸器疾患において著しく遅れているのが実情です。 肺がん、喘息、慢性閉塞性肺疾患、気胸のような女性と男性では病因、経過、治療 法に対する感受性などが異なる疾患や、転移性肺病変、膠原病性間質性肺炎、非結 核性抗酸菌症など女性に高頻度に起こる疾患、女性に多い薬の気道系副作用、生理 と妊娠、体格の差、健康行動の差、ホルモンや生殖機能の差、遺伝子異常など、解 明しなければならない女性呼吸器疾患の問題がたくさんあります。
私たちはこの研究機構を通じ、広く市民に対して最新の知識の普及などの啓蒙活動 を行い、女性呼吸器疾患に対する関心を高め、その特異性の理解を得たうえで、心 理、解剖、ホルモン、遺伝子などの性差の研究を行い、研究成果の発表、病因の解 明、治療法の開発、性差に基づく医療への貢献を行うことによって、女性の健康に 寄与したいと考えています。残念ながらこのような組織は世界で初めてです。私た ちがフロンティアとなってこの活動を積極的に広げていきたいと思っています。 多くの方々が私たちNPO法人女性呼吸器疾患研究機構の活動に、ご理解、ご支援を賜 りますよう、よろしくお願い申し上げます。
特定非営利活動法人 女性呼吸器疾患研究機構
理事長 宮元 秀昭
Introduction of "NPO Women’s Respiratory Diseases Research Organization"
"NPO Women’s Respiratory Diseases Research Organization" was built with the certification from Tokyo, Japan in June, 2008. "The medical treatment based on sex" that is "the medical treatment with a consideration of the problems that both female and male might have and the influence of their problems on their health" has been emphasized in the world today. The study of the medical treatment based on sex will be a great strength as a way of approaching the disease with the large sexual difference in medical condition or medical cause. However, in fact, the study has been falling behind especially on respiratory disease.
There are many issues of respiratory disease among women that we need to figure out. Those issues are the disease with the difference in cause, progress, the sensitivity towards the treatment among male and female including lung cancer, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumothorax; the disease that happens more frequently among women than men including metastatic lung tumors, collagen interstitial lung disease, and nontuberculous mycobacteriosis; the side effect of medicine on respiratory tract that is especially common in female patients; menstruation and pregnancy; sexual difference in physical attributes and health behavior; sexual distinction of hormone and reproductive function; abnormality of the genes.
Through this research organization, we engage in the enlightened medical services such as providing the most recent knowledge to people in order to improve their interests and understandings of women’s respiratory disease. Moreover, by having a true understanding of its idiosyncrasy, we do the research on sexual difference based on psychology, anatomy, hormone, and genetics. Through the publication of our research, resolution of medical cause, invention of medical treatment methods, and contribution to the medicine based of sexual difference, we want to contribute to the health of women. Unfortunately, we are the first and only organization that does this kind of attempt; however, we want to spread our attempt widely as a pioneer.
Finally, we appreciate for the understanding and support for our organization.
NPO Women’s Respiratory Disease Research Organization.
Chief director: Hideaki Miyamoto, MD
2-2-1 Ootemachi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0004, Japan